Friday, October 11, 2013

Skirt Refashion

Okay, so I recently bought a denim skirt from Savers for a total of $3. Let's face it, I only buy cheap clothing. This skirt was VERY cute, but a little long for my taste. I bought it anyways, and I just figured I would hem it when I got the chance. The only sewing machine I currently have use of resides with my family, so I couldn't hem it until the next time I came home. That was TWO weeks away-- way too long to wait before wearing something new I just bought! So I decided to wear the skirt a couple of times. I discovered something. I don't like hate wearing skirts that are over an inch past my knees. That being said, the first thing I did when I got home was hem this skirt so I could actually enjoy wearing it and not counting down the minutes until I could take it off. Hemming it took a total of two minutes and the after product is so worth $3!

Sometimes it's the little things that make our day (like hemming this skirt) and when this happens, savor it!

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